The attacker must roll a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. Slowly, they get to their feet and ready themselves with renewed vigor. It does not learn bonus tricks, instead its Int score becomes 3 + the number of bonus tricks normally listed for an animal companion. Preparing a new list of biomancer spells requires time spent in meditation and study at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list. Starting at 11th level, your repertoire of academic knowledge makes you and indispensible asset. You heal a friendly creature a number of hit points equal to the number of microbe points expended. He becomes immune to all forms of poison. 0Acid Splash, Inflict Minor Wounds, Touch of Fatigue, 1stCure Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds, Ray of Enfeeblement. They gain the ability to themselves discorporate into a cloud of microbes capable of harming their foes and protecting their allies. The powers of a biomancer are that to inflict poison, disease, or to remedy the effects caused by them. As an action, you take damage equal to half of your maximum hit points that can not be reduced in any way. As the spores envelop him, the assassin clutches his chest as blood spews forth from his mouth. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. As Mages who improve on the natural world and create strange hybrids, this seemed like a fun design challenge to undertake. Rapid Recovery (Su): A biomancer knows how to manage their body. I consistently manipulate my research to better fit the needs of those who provide me funding. Furthermore, you no longer suffer the effects of old age. Its type changes to aberration although it retains animal HD, BAB, and skills. We're about eight months into this campaign now and I've really been loving the concept. Cell Form: At 21st level and every two levels beyond, a biomancer's cell form improves. The biomancer magically emanates life-giving energy within 30 feet of itself. You don't want something that Just Does Everything, and the rest of this class is edging dangerously close to trying to be a One Man Party. This power may be taken multiple times, each time adding 5 more damage from your attacks which count as having the appropriate regeneration bypassing ability. The area can be as small as a thirty-foot sphere or as large as a ninety-foot sphere. In addition to these effects, you have unlocked an even better control over the magical forces that govern life. They may cure themselves a number of hit points equal to their class level x 2 a day. I love the flavor, and I would definitely want to play this subclass. Is that how many I can have, or how many I can make? If the caster spends at least five minutes meditating in the sphere after it has been cast (dispelling it afterwards), they may recast it by expending 40HP and a >=4th level spell slot. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. Components: V S M (A small amount of alcohol or distilled spirits) Bolstering yourself with a necromantic facsimile of life, you gain 1d4 + 4 temporary hit points for the duration. To make the creature subservient, it must not be hostile to you. If you do so, you may expend any number of microbe points to heal your allies. Biomancers fit both the role of cleric and druid. At 3rd level, you choose to identify with a code of ethics. Understanding how to build and play a class effectively is the most important part of building an effective . You regain all expended uses after completing a short rest. He still requires the use of eschew materials to cast spells with material components, but is otherwise free to cast, even in gaseous form. Their Geomancy has them roll different die to randomize the outcome of their effect based on the world around them, these Geomancies have varying effects, though some are just different damage types. Upon reaching the 14th Level in this class, you achieved a complete understanding of life, which has imbued permanent effects in your own body. Poison Use: A biomancer often handles dangerous chemicals in his study. In fact, biomancers often outright abhor those who have sworn to a code differing from their own. "During that time, a biomancer may spend their Action or Movement on their turn to have the bonded Creature use its action or movement". Biomancers are casters, ultimately. Calling upon the connection between your life and the primal forces of nature, you can cast spells that manipulate the form of the organic. Taken a second time and if the biomancer is at least level 15, it becomes ability drain, and the biomancer gains +2 hp per drain dealt in hp. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Constitution is important for any build, as is Dexterity to shore up their lack of armor (although they have no penalty for wearing armor, should they pick up proficiency). You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. Do you like using your imagination? A successful Heal check reveals what kind of poison the creature possesses. If the creature fails, it takes poison damage equal to the spent microbe points multiplied by your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) and is considered poisoned. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background. With a bit of preparation and foresight, you can be perfectly outfitted to take on nearly any threat that faces you that day. If the result is a 4 or less, the attack misses. Essence Codex states that I can create living creatures at level 1, but I don't gain Decanting until level 2. Pyromancer. The capabilities of a biomancer correlate to their experimentation. At Higher Levels. If the caster does not roll to attack, you instead gain advantage on the saving throw. Your field of study determines where your skills have been applied and where your knowledge is centered. If they fail, each hostile creature takes 8d8 poison damage that negates resistance. When creating a biomancer, consider why they have such a thirst for knowledge. However, if subject to remove disease while carrying diseases, he takes 1d6 damage per disease, and loses one disease he currently carries. If you do so, you may spend any number of microbe points. Test Subjects follow the progress and abilities of a druid's animal companion exactly, with the following changes. T+ . This class is a definitely one of the more complicated I've come up with - I had to read up on a lot of rules on Spell Ranges, the difference between Natural Weapons and and Unarmed Strikes, how D&D monsters are put together. The smell of rotten blood and broken bones, the squelching sound of repurposed muscle, the disgusting visage of creations that violate the sanctity of what should be considered living. Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Local) can research Biomancers to learn more about them. Adaptation: Trump up the aberration aspect, and the class becomes Alienist for divine casters. Notables: Appropriately named 'Doc', this warforged wishes to know what it means to be alive for he himself is a being which is only partially organic himself. Alignment: Any Lawful. As the assassin plunges his dagger into the young halfling's neck, a malicious giggle reverberates through the cavern. However, all of these additional spells must come from the School of Biomancy spell list. Evil biomancers find few friends, and strike off on mad solo pursuits to discover the latest vile plague. The source of his alien creations is not study into the workings of life, but channeling mad powers from the Far Realm. Biomancers have learned to use the Weave to manipulate life itself, accessing a form of magic unavailable to most wizards. While in this form, you may expend five microbe points as an action. Scientists come in many forms, but they are cut from the same fabric of curiosity, experimentation, and discovery. Additionally, your weapons inflict an additional 1d8 poison damage. Back to Main Page 3.5e Homebrew Classes Base Classes,, Code of Ethics, Microbe Touch, Test Subject, Unnatural Empathy, Cell Form (Liquid Transmission, 20 ft. fly), Cell Form (Host Transmission, 30 ft. fly). Inside a body, he is completely concealed and may continue to inhabit the body even after his host has died. Like a druid, a biomancer may gain a new subject with 24 uninterrupted hours. Body Vigor (Su): At 7th level a biomancer may stimulate their body into action. This sis till roughshod (I still need to finalize some of the archetypes! Charisma and Wisdom both help key skills employed by the Biomancer. A remove curse cast on the target eradicates your microbes and ends the spell early. So, is this an action? You gain proficiency with the Medicine and Nature skills. Free Healing is always bad. It drives them to understand the basic building blocks of life, and what it means to be a living creature. So are the cytoplasts an arcane focus, or are they consumed when I cast a spell? The biomancer makes a concentration check against 10 + the enemy HD. You immediately choose how to distribute this pool among creatures within 50ft of you. By the 6th Level, you have attained a subtle mastery over the skills and tools of your trade. 1-3 HD: Share Spells, as the familiar ability of the same name. As an action, you may make a contested Wisdom ability check against the creature's Wisdom. Vers 1930. sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spcificits des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Simic Biomancer (Artificer) Biomancer's Pack. He may once again use spells which have vocal components, but still requires eschew materials or still spell to cast his spells. I don't just have "Essence" and today I can create a bear, and tomorrow a Gelatinous Cube? (a) a quarterstaff or (b) any simple ranged weapon. Generally, influencing an aberration in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. I love to travel wherever my studies take me. On a success, you establish the creature as your aide and it gains the following features. This sort of feature is usually once/rest, or a capstone. You lose the ability to speak, cannot cast spells, and cannot apply force to any surface or object. Biomancers often explore and find themselves in new lands to satiate their missions and curiosities, but what triggered your mission and your goals? Your code of ethics is tied directly with the mission and goals of your character, so choose carefully. Alternatively, you may expend 5 microbe points to cure a willing creature of blindness or deafness. I haven't seen any other homebrews for it so I figured that I would give it a try. Good job! So the number of mutations is the only difference. We're back to the critical question of "How many Cytoplasts do I have and how many can I make before a long rest"? Also as they level they gain better exploration capabilities, topping even a Ranger. Seeing his allies near death from the dragon's last attack, a human stands defiantly. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability. You exhale a magical stream of microbes that embed themselves into the ears of the target. To use unnatural empathy, the biomancer and the aberration must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. The DC for this check is 10 + the HD of the target creature, and he may do this as a free action. Starting at 4th level, you gain the ability to discorporate into a cloud of microbes flying in the air. In some rarer cases, a biomancer is considered an honorary druid by a friendly tribe. The Biomancer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level or higher. In any case, a biomancer's presence often brings with it attention and curiosity of the guardians of nature. At 9th level a biomancer can pass into and transmit through bodies of water as if it were air, literally infecting it. What field of study awakened your curiosity? Druids from the Circle of the Stars can also augment their fighting abilities with a choice of Constellations, which act as buffs for certain abilities in a fight. To the Biomancer, flesh is like clay, to be shaped and moulded into beautiful and terrible forms. In addition, the animal gains a dim but palatable sentience over its fellow animals. Biomancer spells are oriented on the manipulation of the organic. A biomancer may turn the aura on or off as a swift action. You may not use this feature again until you have completed a short rest. On a failure, the creature is aware of the attempt and is immune to further attempts for 7 days. DnD 5e - Classes. Biomancer Spells. Biomancers are a rare breed with a plethora of alignments, perspectives, and ideologies. Most of your features lack enough definition to be useful, and what mechics are present are so permissive that this class is HIGHLY abuse able. Perfect Health (Ex): At 3rd level a biomancer can fend of diseases of all kinds. He can spread out this healing over several uses. By expending 5 points, they may create the effect of remove disease on a subject or remove blindness/deafness. I became a scientist to save someone and I failed. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Mutation (Ex): A biomancer has control over the Test Subject, manipulating it's structure at will. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs. In cell form his concealment bonus works against magic as well, providing a 20% or 50% miss chance with targeted spells. Alternatively he may figure out the number of HD a creature possesses. When you choose this code at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in one of the following abilities: Arcana, History, Nature, and Medicine. You may not use this feature again until you complete a long rest. You gain resistance to poison damage. Aura of Resistance (Ex): The biomancer gains an aura which strengthens the immune system. You may expend any number of microbe points. Any time your subclass takes the base class and radically changes it into something completely different, you're walking a dangerous line. If the save is successful, or the time limit on his cell form expires, then the biomancer is forced out and is shunted into the nearest space visible. Wreathed in flame and fury, a human man stands surrounded. With his test subject, he gains a telepathic bond out to 100 ft. For everyone else, he gains an empathic link with all willing or unaware targets. What happens after the charm wears off? Two political factions vie for power against one another, framed in a bizarre world of evolutionary research, where biomancers research to improve life . What if Dr. Frankenstein or Dr. Moreau could manipulate the Weave? A large wooden desk (type and build determined by the caster) is conjured with a seat of the same type. Any penalties he may have already incurred, however, remain in place, and the biomancer still dies when his time is up. For example, if underground the area becomes lit with translucent silk worms and a warm green moss coats the floor. At Higher Levels. If they succeed, they take half as much damage. Evil-aligned biomancers, on the other hand, utilize their powers for malicious purposes and bend nature to the furtherance of their agenda. At level 7, a biomancer learns how to communicate in this state, his voice ghostly and echoing in the wind, as if spoken by a billion tiny voices in chorus. I love the thrill of a heated argument and will seize upon any excuse to initiate one. The biomancer must have a means of cutting himself on hand, although the target weapon need not be a piercing or slashing weapon. Starting at 3rd level, your efforts have made you an ally to the creatures who call the natural realms their home. He enters the space of another creature, provoking attacks of opportunity as he does, and attempts to enter it. Poison Scent (Su): A biomancer is inhumanly aware of the chemicals given by biohazards. Artificer: Biomancer. Finally the biomancer gains regeneration 1, which is bypassed by fire, cold, electricity, and acid damage. Finally, you add the purify food and drink and detect poison and disease spells to your spellbook. As before, the creature must still be a living target. Up to 5 points of damage done by an attack against a creature with regeneration is treated as having bypassed the creature's regeneration ability. You can easily identify specific books or tomes and are proficient in understanding the systems of organization used in academic repositories. They gain the ability to themselves discorporate into a cloud of microbes capable of harming their foes and protecting their allies. The area inside the sphere is imbued with natural magic that alters the area as appropriate to the neighboring terrain. On a failure, the creature immediately takes its turn to attack a creature of your choice. If they do so, the next attack against the creature has advantage. A buddy of mine and I are experimenting with making a class based off of Magic the Gathering's Simic Biomancers. 2nd-level conjuration. The magic is fueled by a menagerie formed by the arcane and the life force of the biomancer. The damage reduction stacks with any similar form of damage reduction the biomancer already possesses, but not the increase granted by cell form's DR 10. At 2nd level, you gain enough control over your physical being that you can partition a reservoir of microbes within your body. While in this form, the following rules apply: You may use the Cell Body feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). You form a telepathic bond with the creature and may communicate with it telepathically. Magic Resistance. By consuming 3 doses of the desired venom, the biomancer may use a move action to deal 1 point of damage to himself, bleeding and thus imbuing the weapon with the appropriate poison. However, they share a similar characteristic in bearing a raw hunger for knowledge. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. You also double your proficiency with the Alchemists Supplies, the Herbalism Kit and the Poisoners Kit. Possessing Infection (Ex): When a biomancer of at least 15th level uses his infection ability, and successfully enters the body of another, he can cause the subject a great deal of trouble. You may use your test subject to test diseases, poisons, and cures. What have you spent your life researching or studying? In addition, for every ten years that passes, you only age one year. All allied creatures within the affected sphere are imbued with the natural magic used in the Biomancer's constant experimentation. At 4th level a biomancer suffers no fumble chance of poisoning oneself when applying poison to a weapon. While in your new form, you gain the following benefits. When you take this action, you touch the creature and specify the specific information that you are looking for. The Biomancer. As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the entity 30 feet to a space you can see. The creature wholly obeys your orders to the best of its ability. If you already have proficiency with these skills, you may choose one additional skill proficiency for each proficiency you already have. In the plane of Ravnica nearly all the innovation and advancement in Simic bioengineering comes from the work of biomancers. For 1 second? If these hit points would exceed the creature's maximum hit points, the excess become temporary hit points instead. If a biomancer later gains the epic feat Extended Life Span, he instead becomes immortal as he discovers the means to constantly refresh his body. Sample Encounter: A mad biomancer has finally developed a disease than would destroy all the evil goblins threatening the land. So I create the same type of creature I have essence of, right?
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